The weights room can be an intimidating place for a woman, but the tables can turn - and how! Enough dedication and hard work and suddenly it's the chaps who are running for cover as she finishes her set of dumbbell curls and unleashes both barrels with a roar that shakes the coins in the cash register at the front desk.

The lady on the right seems to have taken Cindy at her word and has indeed gone home. But she's gone home via a sporting goods store and got herself an even more defiant vest. Now all she has to do is make sure she's not working out at the same time as Cindy until she's bigger than Cindy. That might take a while, even if she does 'train insane'. I think she might be better advised just to go to a different gym.

Now I'm sure we all try to do our best not to stare. And if we can't help ourselves then we at least make an effort not to stare too obviously. So give us a break and at least choose a vest with CLEAR lettering on it. If we're going to have to strain our eyes to see what's written there, it's going to be obvious that we're staring. Not fair!

And here we are again intimidating the boys. With 'Monsta' on her back and rear delts like those, I bet the gym is only one place where she swaggers around like she owns it. And Jennifer Guttierez leaves no doubt who the alpha in her gym is.
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