Today's selection of muscular beauties and their T-shirts is all about the first person...
left: FMS haven't been able to track down where this vest can be purchased (it's not a Powerhouse Gym product as far as we can see) but this unknown 'powerhouse' certainly seems to have the shoulders (and chest, and thighs) to back up her claim.

right: Shoulders again to the fore as Cindy Phillips lets us know she's not short of confidence. Obviously this image was from a few years ago, and although I doubt Cindy has lost any of her confidence, I don't think her shoulders look quite this good anymore. Last word we had on Cindy was last year when she competed in Physique. Rumours that her and her husband (doubt he's short of confidence either) were expecting twins popped up on the forums but are unconfirmed.
Michelle E. Russell

It's official! And as far as we know, Michelle only plans to get bigger. And bigger...
And before you ask...

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