It doesn't seem to matter whether they've just started their mission to muscle or they're a big name fbb with years of growth behind them. If photographic evidence is anything to go by, muscular women just can't get enough of their own biceps.

And why not? Even if the woman in question is more naturally muscular than most, she still needs to do her curls. Even if certain substances are used, those peaks aren't going to rise if she spends her time sat on the sofa watching The Jeremy Kyle Show.

And when she's doing those curls, focusing her thoughts into the muscle, isn't it the done thing to look at it? She's willing it to grow before her very eyes, watching it get bigger, thicker, fuller and peakier with every rep. Yes, Dani! Do it! Grrrrrrr!

But apparently exercising the muscle isn't the only time she wants (needs?) to see it at its proudest. Any excuse will do. Take Mona Muresan (below) - is it just me or is Mona getting a bit emotional about that (highly impressive) peak of hers?

Look at the camera, Marcie... Look at the camera real quick... Just wanna get one shot into camera Marcie... Looking great, Marcie... eyes to camera now...

I wonder if the amount of time spent in loving gaze is in any way proportionate to the size of the muscle. Does the self-adoration grow as the muscle does? To find out you'd have to spend a lot of time with women of varying levels of muscularity and record in detail how often they checked out their own flexed biceps. Then watch how this changes as they grow... Someone should do that. I should do that. As soon as I'm done with this post, I think I'll make an application for funding from The Pennypacker Foundation. I'd have to study a lot of them to get truly definitive results. I'd have to study a lot of them over a long period of time to gather sufficient evidence.
I might need some volunteers to help out...
But not with Oana. I'll study Oana myself thank you very much.
The Look of Love previously on FMS: Biceps, Abs, & Mirror Mirror
I have always thought that all FBBs have self-adoration for their own muscular bodies... I mean... Who wouldn't?