Tuesday 31 July 2018

New from Hevumisa

It's always an event in my house when Hevumisa puts something new up, and nearly three months after his previous edit from this year's FIBO Power, a new clip containing his footage from that show appeared on his YouTube channel just over a week ago.

The star of this particular clip is Spain's Mirea Henriquez, tight and (apparently) tiny as she dishes out freebies to the crowd while showing off her sexy abs and glutes. Outside of that middle minute thirty, treats include Jay Fuchs (with Sarah-Aude Salbot) at the Wings of Strength booth (hopefully there's a fourth clip coming with just the WoS ladies!), Paloma Parra, Maria Garcia, plus, all the way from Canada, Azaria Glaim and (briefly), all the way from here, Louise Rogers. And there's even (on top of the ten minutes of her that we've already seen) more Gülüzar Tüfenk.

Not, by any means, his longest or best, but like a said, an event all the same.


And subscribe to Hevumisa on YouTube.

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