Like I said, the best for last. She may have finished 9th, but in Slave's book she's a winner every time: the groin-tingling muscle goddess Susanna Hand. I doubt very much I am introducing Susanna to you, but on the off chance that I am, you're welcome, and know that I am enjoying the idea that right now you are feeling what I was feeling the first time I came across Susanna, courtesy of 'El Mariachi' on the forum whose first rule is you do not talk about it. I had seen pictures of her before that, but hadn't had a name to go with the beautiful face and that saliva-inducing body.

Thanks JL*!

Susanna at the 2013 NPC USAs, where she finished 4th
Her condition at the Nationals wasn't her best. Her main focus this year had been the NPC USAs back in July, where, as you can see above, she was a bit more ripped. Nevertheless, whatever package Susanna brings, she has that certain something, the thing you can't describe but you know when you see it. It's a kind of 'star quality' that radiates from her, and although I'm not in the habit of getting upset about judging decisions (anymore!), I thought ninth was a tad on the stingy side, if only because it robbed us of Susanna's routine, and another posing suit, in the evening show. Damn!

Fortunately, Susanna is probably not too upset. I really don't get too hung up on placings, she told Promoting Real Women after the USAs. And while she is ambitious, she doesn't see getting her pro card as the be all and end all. I would love it but I don't determine whether I am happy or feel successful based on that. I think some people get so fixed on it and we know if you get a pro card, you are not gonna become rich.

Rest assured the ole favourites folder is bulging at the seams with Susanna material right now. There will be lots more Susanna on FMS in the near future (and no doubt in the not so near future too). We'll leave you today with a backstage shot and ask whether you did manage to keep your hands above the table. Well, did you?

There are some jobs you wouldn't mind, some you would really like, and some you'd give up a part of your body to get. I wonder if you can guess which kind the job of applying stuff to Susanna's lovely body hands-on is for me!
PS. A word about the photos this week. There are comprehensive contest galleries for all NPC and IFBB shows at Muscular Development, RxMuscle, and NPC News Online. Hardfitness is also excellent and there is the added bonus of it being all about the ladies, but isn't as comprehensive. In my opinion, there isn't a better female muscle contest photographer than Gene X Hwang, and it has been his shots from the Nationals that I have mostly used this week. You can find all his photos of the heavyweights and all the other classes and divisions at Gene X Magazine.
*You might also want to visit El Mariachi's blog, Erotic Female Muscles.
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