Sunday 5 March 2017

Sunday Sizzler

The last time we saw today's sizzler on FMS, Charlene Hart was regularly to be found (clothes on or off) flexing her ex-Bikini competitor muscles on UK TV on one of our esteemed "phone babe" channels. Well, at the time we reported that Charlene was saying that you see a lot of girls like myself who are fully-qualified personal trainers going into the adult industry. You're going to get the job because you've got the body to pull it off, and you're going to do it because it pays so much more.

As it happens, Charlene has done exactly the opposite - she's left the adult industry behind, moved to the US, become a Scitec Athlete, and gone back into fitness...

Definitely bigger and (thus) sexier than ever, you can see more of the sizzling Charlene, "Char" she calls herself now, on her Instagram and/or her YouTube channel.


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